June 23, 1932 – August 6, 2021
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Brenda. Born to Tom and Elsie Taylor of Malvern County, United Kingdom. Loving wife of 63 years to Bob. Caring mother to Debbie, Christine, and Tim (LJ). Grammy to Alycia and Justin. Sister to Mary. Aunt to Sue (Rick), Bob (Kerry), and Mary (Frank).
When Bob retired from the Canadian Armed Forces in 1971, they moved the family to Gabriola Island where they found a welcoming community and built their dream home. Mom loved her garden and spent many hours nurturing it. In 1989, they moved to their new home in Nanaimo where Mom toiled to transform her backyard into a beautiful English oasis. She was an avid collector of Lilliput Lane houses, and was well known for her collection. She will be missed by all her friends and family.
A private service will be held at Luther Court. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in memory of Brenda to Luther Court Society https://luthercourt.org/
Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8
Offer Condolence for the family of Dorothy “Brenda” Ducharme

Dear Bob and family, We send you our love and sympathy for the news of Brenda’s home going. Our comfort is in the promises of God that she is now well and in a better place because she KNEW Jesus Christ.
An update from us, Thorold was admitted to a long term nursing home with
dementia this May.
Brenda was such a welcoming person when you visited her. Her conversations were about family which, you could tell, was the most important thing in her life. I really missed her when they moved to Victoria and we could no longer have tea and fellowship together.
My sympathy to all the family and friends who will miss her. I know that I
certainly do.
Bob and Family,
We are so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Love always,
Ernie Ducharme and Sandra Stoesz and family
To Bob & Family;
Although no words of sympathy can ease the loss you bear, still may you find comfort knowing how much others really care.
Brenda was a very good wife, mother and grandmother.
I’ll miss talking with her on our telephone calls.