Howard Douglas Borton

Howard Borton, age 51, passed away at home in Otter Point during the early morning hours of Tuesday, September 15, 2015, after a brief encounter with cancer.

Howard’s love of nature was evident in his artwork, drawing inspiration from many summers spent camping at Muchalat Lake with family and friends. His chrome sculptures were shown at the Sooke Fine Arts Show, and Sculpture Splash in Esquimalt. He also loved vintage cars and restored a number of vehicles, including a custom ‘51 Cadillac for his wife Donna.

Loving and loyal to his family and friends, he was always willing to lend a hand to his neighbours. Howard is survived by his wife Donna Gray, parents Robert (Bob) and Patricia Borton, sisters-in-law Crystal MacDonald Borton and Deanne Gray, nephews Robert Borton, Richard Borton and Dakota Gray, and niece Emily Elrix-Borton. Howard was predeceased by his first wife Wendy (Cooper) Borton and his brother Chris.

Howard, you touched everyone you came across, with your loving nature, gentle soul and unfailing honesty. You were an amazing man and we are blessed to have had you in our lives.

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Condolence Messages

  1. My condolences to Pat, Bob, and Donna. Howard was one of the biggest hearted people I’ve ever known. He and his family taught me to not be afraid to do things on my own…to try things without relying on others. I wish life hadn’t become so busy so I could have spent more time with him. Miss you always dear friend. ….

  2. Howard i will miss your smile and your sence of humour. Rest in peace cuz

  3. My deepest condolence to Donna and the Borton family.

    Lois & John Connolly

  4. Bev & Hike Preuss

    Dear Donna, Pat & Bob, & extended families
    Our sincere love and sadness is sent to you all, at this painful time in your lives.. Howard has always been a gentle soul. Him and Bob have helped me so many times with pool and hot tub issues. He will be truly missed.

  5. Donna, my heart goes out to you … He was a wonderful man and anyone that met him or knew him were blessed to have him in their lives.
    Keeping you in my prayers,

  6. Shirley and Ben Scholz

    Howard’s passing came as a surprise to us all here in Alberta. His presence in your lives has been the glue that holds family together. You will have many good memories and family photos to keep his spirit alive. Wishing you all the best in times ahead.

  7. Howard was an amazing man, who brought his love and devotion to everything and everyone he touched. Losing someone we love is not easy, but knowing that you have been able to be a part of the life of that person, I realize that everyone was blessed to have been able to share in his life before he left. My condolences. go out to Donna, Deanne, Dakota and Howard’s parents. My prayers are with you.

    Corrina Hingley

  8. Sending love to you and Howard’s family from across the Atlantic at this difficult time. Howard’s time on earth may have been cut short but his sketches, and sculptures will leave a ‘footprint’ for others years to come.

  9. Bob, Pat and Donna
    I was shocked and saddened to hear of Howard’s passing, and I’m very sorry for your loss. Condolences from me and Mike.

  10. Dear Donna — I was saddened to learn of Howard’s passing and although we were never close, in the short time that I knew him, recognized what a great human being he was. His talents were legendary and I will never forget the help he gave me. Sincere condolences, Lee

  11. Chris (Cameron) Engstrom

    Remembering the other sweet little boy across the road I used to babysit…
    Seeing Howard grow into such a great man and always glad when he dropped by to visit when I was back in town over the years.
    Bob and Pat, Donna – so very very sorry for your loss,
    Condolences from my dad, Ken, too.
    Chris & family

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